ENL student and teacher smiling for a picture outside.

English as a New Language (ENL)

This page contains course offerings in the ENL content area. If you have any questions about ENL courses, please contact:

Rachel Stead

Interim Director of ENL and Refugee Services

ENL instruction courses

Sheltered ENL instruction

In addition to the courses above, we offer sheltered ENL classes in each of our core areas – ELA, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.

These sheltered ENL classes are primarily designed for the entering, emerging and low-transitioning ENL student as determined by his or her most recent NYSITELL or NYSESLAT score and their ENL teacher.

Seal of Biliteracy

New York State Seal of BiliteracyThe New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages, in addition to English.

To learn more, of the New York State Education Department's website.